
Streaming, Division III Non Professional
Streaming Div. III, First place, Mixed Media
“Streaming” is about letting go. Letting go of the cares of the world when you visit a beautiful stream in the mountains, standing at its edge just watching the water fall from the rocks. But it is also about letting go of preconceived notions of what a painting will be. In the creation of streaming, I laid the canvas on the table and just let go. Marks were made wherever they wanted to be without previous thought. Paint landed in areas I didn’t think about before I painted it. The universe seemed just to stream through me, creating what it wanted to be born. It was the most glorious feeling! Of course, there was some dabbling at the end to make sense of the painting, but for the most part, it was made by “streaming” from the universe, hence its name. It is one of my favorites because of the joy I felt while painting it.

Division III Non Professional (Cat E Mixed Media)    36 x 36 x 0.5    $1,250.00   

Acrylic medium with collage, charcoal and markers on canvas