As You Wish

As You Wish, Division I Professional
As You Wish Div. I, Honorable mention, Mixed Media
An assemblage created from an antique juicer that was my grandmothers, a short sword, and a collection of legos, game pieces and various other items in my collection. Sponge Bob got the best seat inside the top of the short sword. He comes from a Sponge Bob Monopoly Game. There are lots of surprises included in the construction. The name came from the movie, The Princess Bride, a favorite of mine. The idea began with the juicer, which became a knight and every knight needs a sword in a stone.

Division I Professional (Cat E Mixed Media)    21 x 14 x 11    $150.00   

Wood base, antique aluminum juicer, short sword, legos, game pieces, jewelry, etc.